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Q: Are organic tomatoes radioactive
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Are organically grown tomatoes radioactive?

No, but if you want to get specific everything in the universe is a little bit radioactive. But organically grown tomatoes emit no higher levels of radiation than you do, so speaking from the common mans point of view, no tomatoes are not radioactive at least in the way you would think of radioactivity. Also all tomatoes are organic, and the same is true with everything else on the shelves at your local grocery store. Just buy the cheaper "non-organic" stuff because they are the same exact thing as the "organic" stuff. I hope this answer helps you out for whatever reason you'd want to know if a tomato was radioactive. I also hope you are a more knowledgeable human being, now go out there and wow all your friends with you new found knowledge!

Is tomatoes organic or inorganic?


Are tomatoes organic?

Tomatoes can be grown organically, yes.

Is tomato soup organic?

Only if made with organic tomatoes.

Why does your tomatoes say pesticide free but not organic?

The tomatoes are most likely fertilized with chemical fertilizers. Therefore, they are pesticide free but not organic.

What is an organic compound radiotracers?

This is an organic compound containing a radioactive isotope.

Are Spanish tomatoes organic or intensively farmed?

Spanish tomatoes may or may not be organic or intensively farmed. It depends on what farming practices were used to grow them.

Why do non organic tomatoes take longer to go bad?

This is because non-organic tomatoes are filled with additives and preservatives to increase shelf life.

Where can you find information as to why organic tomatoes mold before regular tomatoes?

try it has answers for everything

Are grape tomatoes organic or natural or a genetically modified food?

Grape tomatoes are not known to have been genetically modified. Grape tomatoes may or may not be organic, depending on how they are grown. If they are grown using organic methods, they are organic. Natural when referring to food has not been defined. In the sense that grapes are grown in the soil, they are natural, but this does mean that they are organic or actually, anything else. Natural is a term that is used to sell products.

What is the main decomposer of tomatoes?

The main decomposer of tomatoes is bacteria. This is what will feed on the dead organic matter and release nutrients into the atmosphere.

When do farmers use natural numbers?

Say a farmer wants to count the number of organic tomatoes he harvested. He would he natural numbers. Not because the tomatoes were organic, but because natural numbers are counting numbers.