oregano leaves
No, oregano leaves are not waxy or slippery. They are velvety and soft like mint.
For flavor
Phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on the stem. The leaves of Oregano are paired opposite to each other. Each pair is at right angles to the previous one. This type of arrangement of leaves is called whorled arrangement.
hairy leaves and stem
Oregano is in the mint family but not the mint genus. It smacks warmer or spicier and cannot substitute.
The leaves of herbs (parsley, basil, oregano etc.) are edible, many other types of leaves are poisonous.
big leaves
when the big trees is out
it is better for plants to have lots of small leaves because if they had a few big leaves one of them might get blocked and not have a use with lots of small if 1 or 2 dont work plenty will still be working
Oregano is known as azwain in hindi, Oregano prepared from azwain leaf.
Well, you have mint and basil. You also have oregano, bay leaves, and tarragon. Rosemary, fennel