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Q: Are one a day vitamins kosher?
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Which vitamins are kosher?

There are likely several companies that produce vitamins in accordance with kosher requirements - an internet search for "kosher vitamins" should bring it up. Please be aware that not all internet companies are legitimate - if you are interested in consuming these vitamins but only if they are truly kosher, I would strongly suggest correlating with your rabbi and synagogue to ensure the vitamins are kosher.

Why are Kosher vitamins better for you?

They aren't specifically better for you. Kosher vitamins may have slightly different ingredients as some vitamin sources aren't kosher.

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>What Are Kosher and KashrutThe production of vitamins requires the use of dozens of ingredients, if not more, many of which are made at various locations around the world under vastly different laws and jurisdictions. For this reason, determining whether certain vitamins are kosher can be very difficult. The easiest way to find kosher vitamins is to look for vitamins that have been certified as being completely kosher, although these can be rare depending on the area. There are some guidelines for what is considered a kosher vitamin, but they are frequently disputed by experts in the field, and there are numerous interpretations of the kosher laws.The largest problem with determining whether vitamins are kosher has to do with ingredients that are derived from animals. Since the method of slaughter and condition of the animals cannot be known, the ingredients that are derived from the animals are therefore not considered kosher. This includes some emulsifiers, stearates, and vitamins like D. Synthetic versions of these ingredients exist, as do forms that have been extracted from plant based sources. If a vitamin does not specifically state that it is kosher, or that it uses no animal based ingredients, then it is most likely not kosher.Even though vitamins are not kosher, there are exceptions under the kosher laws that can allow vitamins to be taken anyway. These laws state that exceptions to the kosher laws can be made for those who are sick and require medicine. This means that if a person is suffering from a vitamin deficiency or requires vitamins to cure a condition, then it is acceptable to take vitamins regardless of their kosher status. Some authorities have stated that taking non-kosher vitamins is acceptable if they are swallowed and not eaten since they would not then be a food product. The problem resurfaces, however, if the vitamins are in liquid form, since liquids must be consumed like food.In the event that kosher certified vitamins are unavailable and there is not a pressing medical condition, there is a good chance that vegan or vegetarian vitamins are actually kosher. One of the only vitamins that is not kosher and that has no synthetic counterpart is glucosamine and chondrotian, which is derived from shellfish that are strictly forbidden under kosher dietary laws.

Where can one purchase One a Day vitamins?

One can purchase One a Day vitamins at any General Nutrition Store Location. General Nutrition Store is a franchise store that carries a wide variety of nutritional supplements and vitamins

What color is one a day womens vitamins?

one a day womans color is white

How do you take vitamins with Keflex?

one tablet a day throught the mouth.

When the right time to take your one a day vitamins?

In the morning after you have had your breakfast.

How many prenatal vitamins in one day?

2 in one in a half of type year

How many carbohydrates are in one a day vitamins?

less than one according to their website

Which one can be kosher?

That which is slaughtered and/or prepared according to kosher law.

Why is it important to eat foods every day that contain dissoluble vitamins?

These vitamins are lost every day.

Are hares kosher?

No, they are one of the animals listed in the Torah as not kosher. Deuteronomy 14.