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Eulalia Mraz

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2y ago
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14y ago

Yes, an example of an exoskeleton is a snails' shell.

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12y ago

Yes for example a exoskeleton is a snails shell. Because they have soft bodies the exoskeleton is put there to protect it

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14y ago

yes and no on a crab they are the same but on snails and shells at the beach are not

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Q: Are mollusk shells considered exoskeletons
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Is the snails shell considered an exoskeleton?

yes shells are exoskeletons

What are the shells of a mollusk called?


What are the remains of a mollusk?

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Are arachnids exoskeleton?

Yes, they do have exoskeletons. Exoskeletons are hard outer shells that protect and support the body.

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What does a mollusk use to protect itself? Most have shells

Are exoskeletons vertabraes?

not realy. I think that Vertebrates are backbone or spinal columns and Exoskeletons are kind of like the shells of insects

What type of mollusk that lives in mud?

Razor shells.

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Have shells member of the mollusk family.

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Are shells vertebrates?

A konk is a mollusk, and does not have a spine. It is not a vertebrate.

What are some physical features of a mollusk?

soft bodies and a big muscular foot. Some mollusk have shells.