

Are humans beans

Updated: 10/6/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Hi there! Well, first of all, let's define a human "bean", shall we? Are they tiny legumes with arms and legs that walk upright and wear clothes? Or a giant oddly-shaped, edible walking freak? I'm joking, I'll quit BEING a sarcastic jerk now. What a wonderful question!! All my life I have known, felt, and truly believed so. I have been ridiculed for my belief by many with comments such as, "We aren't built for flight, we are too heavy and have no wings!" These people, to me, are closed-minded and are stuck in a physical frame of mind. That's just my theory, of course. I believe we are capable of so much beyond even what us as believers can fathom. I think that whatever we KNOW we can do........we can. As far back as I can remember I have had lucid dreams. In them flying is natural. I believe that we leave our bodies when they (our bodies) have to sleep and we as spirits in our astral forms----fly. I think that's why some of us (who are more in touch with our spiritual side) are interested in the aspect of flying, some of us want to fly, and some of us know we can. I haven't run into many people who truly believe we can fly, or even many who question our ability such as yourself. But they are out there. Continue your quest for knowledge and never ever stop believing!!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

no they are not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure how to improve on that answer - they're a plant

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, we're very delicious.

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