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no. their not endangered cause of all the babies a female has and most females have up to about...i think 40,000 babies but they are larva. so they are not endangered. i they were we probaly wouldn't have them with us cause they were endangered.

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15y ago
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11y ago

No, but if we keep taking them out of their natural enviorment and selling them at pet stores and gift shops they will be soon. As long as there are people buying them, there will be people selling them, until it's too late.

Hermit crabs can live in their natural environments, in parts of Africa, the Caribbean, and Australia, for over 30 years. After being harvested from the wild, most die within a year. It's nearly impossible to breed and raise them in captivity because the babies (zoea) must begin life in the ocean. All the hermies you see were shipped stuffed in boxes from far, far away.

For more information on hermit crabs and conservation, explore

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13y ago

They will be soon. hermit crabs have been abused for years and still are. Stores that sell them have no idea how to take care of them. some even put hermit crabs in bird cages! hermit crabs are tropical crustceans, and need the right temp, humidity, food , distilled water, distilled water with sea salt, space, climbing toys, ect. . .

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11y ago

No, People just buying them at board walks and not knowing how to care for it, and thinking it only lasts a couple days. But after a while of this happening they will be near it! Just because they are small people don't realize that is animal cruelty!

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A lot

Are hermit crabs herbavores?

No, Hermit Crabs are omnivores.

Why do hermit crabs live in shells?

Hermits crabs lives in a shell to protect their body from any danger because they don't have any skeleton to protect them.

What Enemies Do Hermit Crabs Have?

fish and bigger hermit crabs

Do Hermit Crabs Have Antennas?

Yes hermit crabs have antennas.

Are hermit crabs death?

No hermit crabs are small and friendly

What are the hermit crabs preditors?

sea birds, fish, octopuses, crabs, and other hermit crabs

Can hermit crabs kill moon crabs?

it deppends on how big the hermit crabs and the moon crabs are but if the hermit crab is bigger youv'e got your self a dead moon crab

Is salt bad for hermit crabs?

no i had hermit crabs and had salt it didn't hurt them

Do hermit crabs use meiosis?

Hermit crabs use meiosis to reproduce

Can cats eat hermit crabs?
