

Are garlic pills effective

Updated: 11/8/2022
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15y ago

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yeah, garlic pills are effective if you have a stomach ache, one that's caused due to gas. you might want to have one after a meal, if you think its heavy, its also useful after a real oily meal,or one with a lot of meat. if it doesn't help, then try having an antacid, it'll calm your stomach down.

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Q: Are garlic pills effective
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no no whoever does that stop i am a lover for dogs so don't do that

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no medicines should be used after be disposed of

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garlic pills should help with the shedding you should see less of it.

Will taking garlic pills help repel mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes don't like the smell of garlic so if you eat something with garlic in, it goes into your blood stream and they smell/taste it. Kind of like the stereo-type of vampires.

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The oils and minerals in garlic are absorbed into the bloodstream and it's very healthy for you. Sometime if you eat a lot of garlic, your perspiration will smell of it. It is an effective repellent for mosquitoes and fleas.

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There are no studies to show that garlic is effective as a dewormer. Puppies are extremely susceptible to GI parasites and these parasites can be deadly, so deworming with a known effective product is recommended.

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Garlic is not proven to be an effective treatment for heartworms. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian for appropriate heartworm prevention and treatment options.

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