Yes dolphins are vertebrates, because they are mammals and all mammals have backbones.(We humans have backones).
Dolphins are vertebrates.
all dolphins are vertebrates
They are vertebrates because they have backbones.
No, they have a backbone.
As dolphins, they are automatically mammals and thus vertebrates. If it has bones, it´s a vertebrate.
Dolphins are mammals. Sharks are fish. They are very different, though both are vertebrates.
Vertebrates I agree, Animals with backbones are called Vertabrates. Alot of animals are vertabrates. Here are some examples, of animals with backbones, Vertabrates. * Dogs * Cats * Birds * Snakes * FrogsThey are the vertebrates. For example: elephants, birds, cats, dolphins.
They are a fish.
Vertebrates - mammals - Cetacea (whale order) - Delphinidae (dolphin family).
Yes, these animals are vertebrates because they do have an internal skeleton and a backbone made up of vertebrae plus the other characteristics of a vertebrate. Although they are called "Killer Whales", the Orca is not actually a whale. They are the largest member of the dolphins. Orca are dolphins, dolphins are mammals, all mammals are vertebrates.For more information on vertebrates and invertebrates, see the related questions.
Yes, all mammals are vertabrates (animal with a backbone).