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Q: Are arugula and watercress the same?
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What is arugula and watercress vegetables name in Arabic?

I think, it's 'Jarjeer' in Arabic for arugula. Try 'Jarjeer' in; it'll turn in Eruca sativa.

What are some similar foods to watercress?

You can substitute them with jicima(arrowroot) or potatoes at the last minute.Lotus roots are also good You can substitute them with jicima(arrowroot) or potatoes at the last minute.Lotus roots are also good

What can you use in place of corriander?

I've heard you can substitute arugula for watercress though I haven't ever had a recipe call for either so I can't say how well it works.

Is arugula a cruciferous vegetable?

Yes, kale is a cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, cabbage, & brussel sprouts. They are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients. They also have a sulphur containing compound that has been known to fight cancer.

What is the Tamil name for arugula?

what is arugula called in tamil

What is the Malayalam name for watercress?

Muththil / muttil (മുത്തിള്‍) or kodakan

What is called arugula in Telugu?

Arugula is called "Vasanthi Aku" in Telugu.

What is a substitute for cabbage?

Purple cabbage, kale, arugula, watercress, endive are the substitute for cabbage.

What color is watercress?

Watercress is a shade of green.

What do you call watercress in Tamil?

Watercress is called ativerai in Tamil.

How much does arugula cost?

I picked up a tub of baby arugula today for about $4.

How do you call Arugula in French?

The salad "arugula" is known as "roquette" in French.