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No, there are different types of clownfish that come in different colours.

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Q: Are all clownfish the same
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Related questions

Are all Clownfish the same colour?

No, they come in different colours.

Are clownfish poisonous?

Clownfish are endangered,because people drop anchors on an anemone the same way we drop it on coral, Clownfish cannot survive without an anemone.

How many different types of clownfish are there?

Heres all the ones I know: -Common Clownfish -Orange Skunk Clownfish -Maroon Clownfish -Pink Skunk Clownfish -Red sea Clownfish -Barrier Reef clownfish -Clark's Clownfish -Cap Clownfish !

How do clownfish and help sea anemone?

What are all the ways that a anemone protect the clownfish

What are the clownfish enemies?

same as answer two (on the page you are on now)

Is a clownfish a vertebrate or an invertebrate?

A clownfish is a vertebrate. All fish are vertebrates as they have a backbone and an internal skeleton.

What is the order of a Clownfish?

The order of Clownfish is Perciformes, which include around 40% of all bony fish and are the largest order of vertebrates

Are clownfish friendly?

It all depends on the clownfish. If you were to add a third clownfish to a tank which already has two clownfish in it, then the original two won't be so friendly.Maroon clownfish(Amphiprion Melanopus) seem to be the most aggressive type of clownfish you can come across.Any clownfish can be friendly, and any clownfish can be friendly. It all depends on the personality of the specimen at hand.I personally have 7 clownfish in my aquariums. Two are very shy and skittish(Ocellaris clownfish---"Nemo"). Two are very friendly and will actually come up to the surface of the water and poke their heads out of the water when you come to feed them, and they'll eat out of your hand(Black ocellaris clownfish---"Black Nemo"). I have to baby maroon clowns that are not aggressive, but are too young to be aggressive. I also have a cinnamon clown that is very aggressive and one of my least favorite fish.

What are all the things that stingrays eat?

shrimp and clownfish

What are 3 other species in the same order as a clown fish?

Clownfish are in the order Perciformes, which contains thousands of species (probably over 5000 species). Perhaps you meant family? The family Pomacentridae contains the clownfish and the damsels, each of which comprise many species. There are a number of different groups within the Pomacentridae, but they are all reffered to as either a Damsel or a Clownfish. The Clownfish make up the family Amphiprion(and Premnas), and there are around 30 species.

How do you delete clownfish for Skype off of your Skype account?

First, you have to open clownfish, go down all the way, and you will see a button that says 'exit' click that, and throw your computer out the window. There you have it! No more clownfish!

Is there an lps clownfish?

no there is not an lps clownfish.