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Q: Aquarium fish often swim to the waters surface when a person approaches Their behavior has probably formed through?
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As an object approaches the Earth's surface what will its acceleration be?

As an object approaches the Earth's surface, what will its acceleration be?

What does volume and surface area have in common?

The volume of a body and the surface area arerelated but not in a direct way. For a given volume, the smallest surface area of an object is seen then the object is a sphere. As the shape flattens from a sphere, so the surface area becomes larger. When the object approaches an infinitely small thickness, the surface area approaches and infinite size.

How goldfish reproduce?

They spawn in amongst the plant life at the surface of their pond/aquarium etc.

What word describes the behavior of waves when they strike a surface?

The behavior of waves when they strike a surface is called reflection. This occurs when waves bounce off a surface at an angle equal to the angle at which they hit the surface.

What is the behavior of waves when they strike a surface?

When waves strike a surface, they can be reflected, transmitted, or absorbed. The type of behavior depends on the properties of the surface and the characteristics of the waves.

Are worms useful for freshwater aquarium soil?

Worms are not suitable for aquarium soil, consider how worms come to the surface when it is wet, they actually are preventing themselves from drowning. So earthworms will not work, not to mention they eat rotting and decomposing matter, which, for the most part, the aquarium soil is lacking.

What is true about an objects fall velocity as it approaches the earth's surface?

As an object falls towards the Earth's surface, its velocity increases due to the acceleration caused by gravity. Near the surface, the object will reach a terminal velocity where the force of air resistance equals the force of gravity, causing the object to fall at a constant speed.

Powerheads in fish tank?

Yes, you most definitely want a powerhead in your aquarium. Depending on what size aquarium and type of fish, you may want/need more. If you have any other questions please e-mail me at

What describes the behavior of waves when they strike a surface?

laws of reflection

What is a manatees learned behavior?

Going up to the surface for air

Would there be bacteria in a aquarium?

There should and probably will be bacteria on EVERY hard surface in the tank such as the Decorations, Substrate and Glass. Also there is bacteria in the Filter as it breaks down the toxic bacteria in the water. these bacteria remove toxins for fish that can kill them ammonia, nitrite and nitrate

What is Saturn's lowest surface temperature?

Surface temperature? Saturn probably doesn't HAVE a "surface".