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Q: After fertilization an egg is a hapliod or dipliod?
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What is the diffence from a dipliod and a hapliod cell?

Dipliod is a cell with one gene from the mom and one from the dad. A hapliod cell is either one gene from the mom or one from the dad.

What is the process in which four hapliod daughter cells from one dipliod cell?

Meiosis. This is how the sex cells (sperm and eggs) are formed.

Implantation of a zygote into endometrium?

Endometrium is the lining of the uterous, they are talking about fertilization, or more than likely fertilization with the help of a clinic, and doctor. The zygote is what the egg is after it has been fertilized and the two hapliod cells or egg and sperm becom diploid cells and now have a whole DNA or genetic code.

What sequence shows chromosomes number during fertilization?

During fertilization, the chromosome number doubles when the sperm and egg combine, as each contributes half of the genetic material. For example, in humans, the sperm and egg each have 23 chromosomes, and when they fuse, the resulting zygote has a total of 46 chromosomes.

How is fertilization of the egg accomplished?

Fertilization of an egg happens before it is laid.

The joining of an egg and a sperm is called?


Process of uniting an egg with a sperm?

The process of uniting an egg with a sperm is called fertilization. It occurs when a sperm cell penetrates the outer layer of an egg cell and fuses with the egg's nucleus, forming a zygote. This marks the beginning of a new organism's development.

What is a Fertilization egg?

a dark egg It is an egg that is alive.

What is the number of a hapliod?

There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.There is no such word as a "hapliod". If you meant haploid, the answer depends on the species.

When the fertilization occurs?

When sperm fuses with egg it is called fertilization .

What is the united egg and sperm called?


What is another term for when the sperm meets the egg?
