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u can buy an English translation qurran. don't worry my brother or sister ALLAH SAID HE WILL preserve the sacred book and for 1400 years not a single verse of the qurran is changed.

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12y ago
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14y ago

the Qur'an was revealed to Muhammad by the angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) over a period of approximately twenty-three years, beginning in 610 CE, when he was forty, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death.


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14y ago

God revelation of Quran to prophet Muhammad was through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) and started in year 610 AD while prophet Muhammad was in Mecca (or Makkah) in the nowadays Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Quran revelation continued to the Prophet while he was in Mecca and Medina (also in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) until year 632 AD (year of the Prophet death).

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12y ago

Muhammad PBUH had actually received revelations from God (Allah) through the angel Gabriel in year 610 AD while the prophet was in mount cave called Hiraa (in Mecca or Makkah, in the presently Saudi Arabia). Quran revelation continued through year 632 AD (year of prophet Muhammad death).

There are many evidences on the authenticity of Quran God revelation. Some of them are:

1. the Holy Quran had made all of the Arabs amazed by its fluency & majesty.while the Arabs since the dawn of their history , are famous for their fluency & their fluent wide language.

There are Arabs who are nonbelievers .... & they are in front of this miracle ,as those who preceded them, tongue-tied !!

Al-Waleed bin Al-mugheera, was an Arabian master who didn't believe, but he was completely shocked after hearing verses from the Holy Quran ,& despite his disbelief he talked with a high degree of admiration about what he had heard, you can find his speech & his story in the Arabian history ... it's famous. And more important ,the situation of this man after hearing from the Holy Quran,is mentioned in the Holy Quran ,as his arrogance exceeded the limits, Allah says :

(Leave Me alone, (to deal) with the (creature) whom I created (bare and) alone!-

12. To whom I granted resources in abundance,

13. And sons to be by his side!-

14. To whom I made (life) smooth and comfortable!

15. Yet is he greedy-that I should add (yet more);-

16. By no means! For to Our Signs he has been refractory!

17. Soon will I visit him with a mount of calamities!

18. For he thought and he plotted;-

19. And woe to him! How he plotted!-

20. Yea, Woe to him; How he plotted!-

21. Then he looked round;

22. Then he frowned and he scowled;

23. Then he turned back and was haughty;

24. Then said he: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old;

25. "This is nothing but the word of a mortal!"

26. Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire! )

(Quran, 'Al-Muddaththir', chapter 74, verses 11 -26)

2. All Muslims know the story of the lateness of revelations upon the prophet Muhammad PBUH to a point that made the disbelievers said that Allah had abandoned Muhammad PBUH ,the story in breif talks about a group of disbelievers who went to the Jews of Yathreb (Medina) to ask them for some questions that Muhammad PBUH wouldn't know unless He was a real prophet... the disbelievers came to Muhammad PBUH & asked Him, Muhammad PBUH told them in a hurry that he would tell them the answers the next day , He forgot to say " En sha'a Allah" i.e.( so please Allah )......& then the Almighty Allah had taught Muhammad & all Muslims a lesson in not forgetting this golden statement.

Allah says in the Holy Quran about the reason of that lateness :

(Nor say of anything, "I shall be sure to do so and so tomorrow"-

Without adding, "So please Allah." and call thy Lord to mind when thou forgettest, and say, "I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer (even) than this to the right road.")

(Al-Kahf : verses 23 - 24)

If Muhammad PBUH didn't receive revelations from Allah as you claim, why to wait for a long time until the answer comes from Allah, why didn't he invent anything?!

3. There is more than one verse in the Holy Quran that has some kind of admonition from Allah to His prophet Muhammad PBUH , if the Holy Quran was invented by Muhammad we would not find such kind of verses, we would only find verses that are glorifying Muhammad as a top priority ....!!!

4. You have to know that Muhammad PBUH became a prophet at the age of 40 years old. So if the Holy Quran was his invention why wouldn't he start at an earlier age ?!!

Another thing , Muhammad was famous for His great morals even before his prophecy , people of Mecca were used to call him " The Sincere, The Honest ".....Muhammad PBUH had never told them a lie , & if he didn't tell lies on people would he tell lies on the Lord of people...Almighty Allah ?!...& when? at the age of forty !!!

5. What about the amazing scientific facts in the Holy Quran, many of them have been recently discovered, who told Muhammad about these facts at that time & you know what kind of knowledge was known at that time ??... of course, He is Allah, the Lord of all facts & all times... this is a main reason for the converting of many scientists to Islam, they simply knew the truth & accepted it without arrogance!

However, this point alone is enough to be an answer & really the proofs are too many, but I have chosen those...

I'm not experienced in answering this kind of questions, but I did with the help & inspiration of Allah, all praise is for Him....

what would happen in your opinion if you asked the Islamic experts in discussing these points?

Conclusion : YOU who claimed that Muhammad PBUH didn't receive revelations from Allah...

Advice : Think honestly in what I've told you & don't be arrogant, beseech for the truth & accept it as soon as you find it, accept it as it is, not as you see or think or wish!!

Eventually.....I wish you the best.


For more information on proofs of the Quran authenticity, one may refer to the related questions listed below that answers the question : Did Prophet Muhammad write the Quran himself as claimed by many non-Muslims? .

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14y ago

It was Qur'an, mainly.

Other than Qur'an there were some private revelations or communication of God to Muhammad (peace be upon him), like some pagans tried to kill the prophet, but God informed the prophet about their intentions, and etc...

But if you talk about revelations to humanity, it is the Holy Qur'an.

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8y ago

All the Prophets (May peace be upon them all) heard revelation from Allah. Apart from them, Hazrat Marry (May peace be upon her) and Hazrat Musa's mother also heard revelation from Almighty Allah.

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7y ago

Almighty Allah did not reveal Himself to Hazrat Muhammad saw in this world. He called him to His own place of Arsh.

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He received the first revelation in the Cave of Hira when he was 40 years old.

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Q: According to Islamic belief how and where did Muhammad receive revelations from God?
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According to Islamic belief what was the source of Islamic teachings and how did Muhammad receive them?

The Qura'an is the main source of Islamic teachings which is the words of Allah.

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Muhammad received revelations for around 23 years.

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According to the Muslim religion, he did. Actually for 23 years, not 22 years.

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Because she and Muhammad (PBUH) were in love, she knew that he was telling the truth and that he was someone incredibly special to receive these revelations from God through the Angel Gabriel.

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God revelation of Quran to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (Jibril) started in year 610 AD and continued through year 632 AD (year of prophet Muhammad death). The Islamic nation was one country ruled by one ruler but was not an empire with the common curently political sense. However, this single nation or entity were artificially split into different countries and entities in year 1917-1922 after the First World War and most of these countries were put under occupation by many western countries.

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It is generally considered to be the year 610, when Muhammad declared that the archangel Gabriel had revealed to him that he was to be the prophet of Allah. In that year he also started to receive the revelations that later became part of the Quran.

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Muhammad received his later revelations from around 610 to 632 CE, the last of which occurred during his Farewell Pilgrimage. These revelations are documented in the Qur'an, which is considered the holy book of Islam.

What was the source of Islamic teachings and how did Muhammad receive them?

He found It in the ********************************** The source of Islamic teachings was The Almighty God - Allah. It was revealed to Prophet Mohammed via Angel Gabriel while he was meditating in the cave of a mountain in Makkah. This continued for several years and it was compiled as a book The Holy Qoran

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He claimed to receive so many different revelations that he probably had some for every single month of the year.However, the first revelation was in Ramadan - i.e., the date we would call August 610.