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brown dark

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Q: A potato tuber has been cut into two halves A few drops of iodine solution are placed on the cut surface of one of the halves What colour change will be noticed?
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What colour does universe indicator with antacid solution?

The universe as a whole does not have a specific colour. However, in a science experiment, when an antacid solution is added to a universal indicator, it may change colour based on the pH level of the solution. This change in colour signifies the acidity or alkalinity of the solution.

What colour of sugar solution on litmus paper?

Litmus does not change color in sugar solution.

What colors does starch turn if there is a little amount present?

starch will not change its own colour but it can change the colour of iodine solution. iodine solution is originally brown. after adding starch, it will turn into dark blue.

What is the test for non reducing sugar?

Benidicts Solution, Wont change colour

In a neutral solution litmus papers turn what color?

There will not be any colour change.

What colour does iodine solution turn red litmus paper?

The color not change.

What is the colour change of litmus paper in a basic alkaline solution is?

blue and purple

What is the test for non-reducing sugars?

Benidicts Solution, Wont change colour

What change will take place when you will introduce a blue litmus paper into a salt solution?

it will change into red colour

To burn a surface so as to change its colour or taste without completely destroying it?

To burn a surface but not destroy it - singe.

What is the theoretical achromatic point of salivary amylase?

If we add salivary amylase to any solution ( eg:iodine solution) the colour of solution changes to blue.THE TIME TAKEN BY THE SALIVARY AMYLASE TO CHANGE ITS(iodine solution) COLOUR TO BLUE IS CALLED ACROMATIC POINT OF SALIVARY AMYLASE. ie, the time upto which the solution is colourless and after that it gains blue colour.

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Phenolphthalein changes from colorless to pink when it reacts with an alkaline solution.