

A measure of salts in the water is?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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9y ago

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Examples are: mol/L, g/L, g/1oo mL.

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Q: A measure of salts in the water is?
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Measure of salts dissolved in water?

measure the conductivity, pure water is just h2o, which is good insulator. with the present of sodium, it can carry electron and we can measure the current pass through.

What is a measure of the salts dissolved in water?

This measure is the concentration of NaCl expressed in mol/L, g/L, g/100 g (percentage).

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pH is a measure of the acidity. concentration of salts would be molarity.

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Are salts can be dissolved in the water?

Salts may be soluble or insoluble in water.

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Only soluble salts are dissociated in water.

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Soluble salts are dissociated in water.

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Insoluble salts doesn't diffuse in water.

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What you have to separate mineral salts from water?

Evaporating the water crystallized salts are obtained.

Why do bath salts dissolve in water?

Polar salts are easily dissolved in water.

What do salts dissolve into?

Many salts are soluble in water.