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no, replace your milk.

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Q: A gallon of unopened milk and half gallon of unopened almond milk were left in a fridge that was thawed by my two year old. Are they safe to consume if I bring them back to fridge temperature?
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No, putting magnets on a fridge does not use more energy. Magnets do not consume electricity or affect the energy usage of the fridge in any way.

How long does packaged mozzarella last?

if kept in fridge unopened, about a month.

Can you keep unopened thawed juice concentrate in the fridge?

Yes, it should be fine.

How long can you keep an unopened bottle of rum?

howlong you want just store it in the fridge!

Does sealed sherry go bad with age?

Sherry will keep in unopened bottles for many years, but it will not improve with age. Once you open your bottle you should consume it within a few weeks. If you are in a warm climate, or it's summer time keep it in the fridge.

How many time dose milk take to spoil?

Not very long at all; out of the fridge, cooler, etc. As it begins to get warm in temperature it spoils and can make you sick if you consume it...

Can you use canned pineapple juice that's been in the fridge long. unopened?

Yes, that's fine

How long do cigarettes last unopened in a fridge?

Unopened they can last a few months. In the fridge even longer, probably 6-12 months. Opened, they will only last 4-7 days before they start to tast funny and go stale if you dont put them in a fridge. You can still smoke them but it wont taste as fresh as the first few you had from the pack. Stay Lit!

How long does Yakult last in the fridge?

It cannot be stored for more than a week as it is just fermented milk product. So be careful when you consume when stored for long time... :-) Sunny

Can you put canned unopened cranberries that were refrigerator back in the pantry?

If you did not open the can of cranberries it can be removed from the fridge and kept in the pantry.

How long can you keep a bottle of unopened Cruzan rum?

A long time, 5 years at least unopened or opened provided you keep it cool and out of the sun.