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Q: A fertilized egg in a plant will grow into what?
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What do you call the fertilized egg of a plant?

A zygote is the fertilized egg cell of a plant. The zygote develops into the plant embryo, and the ovule develops into the seed coat. Together with the endosperm, these components comprise the seed.a seed

Where does a fertilization egg grow?

Uterus. The fertilized egg continues to grow developing into a fetus.

Where does fertilized egg go?

To the uterus, where it starts to grow.

What happens to fertilized plant egg cells?

They are horny

Is the seed is the young plant that develops from fertilized egg?

No, a seed is the structure formed in the ovary of a flowering plant after fertilization. It contains the embryonic plant and stored food reserves to support its growth when it germinates. The young plant develops from the seed after germination.

Where does the fertilized egg implant?

The fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus, specifically in the endometrium. This is where the embryo will continue to grow and develop during pregnancy.

Where does implantation of a fertilized egg occur?

Implantation of a fertilized egg typically occurs in the lining of the uterus, specifically in the endometrium. The fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall and begins to grow and develop into an embryo.

A tiny new plant that has fertilized egg?

The tiny new plant is called a embryo.

When fertilized what will the ovary grow into?

The ovary will grow into a fruit that surrounds and protects the seeds. The seeds inside the fruit can then be dispersed to grow into new plants.

What is the egg cells job for a plant?

to be fertilized and used for reproduction of the plants

What does the fertilized egg become when its surrounded by fruit?

When a fertilized egg is surrounded by fruit, it develops into a seed. The seed contains genetic material from both the male and female parent plants, and is equipped with the necessary components to germinate and grow into a new plant under suitable conditions.

Where does a fertilized egg develop after it leaves the oviduct?

A fertilized egg develops in the uterus after it leaves the oviduct. It implants into the uterine wall where it continues to grow and develop into an embryo.