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Rafael Correa

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Q: 18 Name the current head of state for the nation that exports the most bananas?
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Missouri has many exports that this state provides. The chief exports are chemicals, oil, gas, manufacturing products and livestock products.

How is a state differs from a nation?

A nation is nation different from a state in various ways. A nation will have a president but a state does not have a president as they are under one nation.

When state and nation coincide the country is called what?

This is known as a nation-state. In a nation-state, the political boundaries of the state align with the cultural or ethnic boundaries of the nation.

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It can be either a state or a nation, but is more often a nation.

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What is the meaning of State of the nation address?

A State of the Nation address is a speech delivered by a country's leader, typically the president or prime minister, to provide an overview of the current social, economic, and political status of the nation. It is an opportunity to highlight achievements, outline government priorities, and address challenges facing the country.

What is State of the Nation Address?

The State of the Nation Address (SONA) is an annual speech delivered by the President of a country to report on the current political, economic, and social situation of the nation, as well as highlight the government's accomplishments, plans, and priorities for the coming year. It is often delivered in a joint session of the country's legislature.

Why state and nation are not the same?

a state is a part of a nation.

Is Switzerland considered a stateless nation or nation state or part-nation state or multinational state?

Switzerland is considered a nation state. It is a country with a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. Switzerland is not a stateless nation, part-nation state, or multinational state.

What is the meaning of Sona in the Philippines?

"Sona" stands for "State of the Nation Address" in the Philippines, which is an annual speech delivered by the President to Congress. It aims to inform the public about the current state of the country, the government's accomplishments, and its plans for the coming year.