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Q: Will taking Excedrin affect fasting for cholesterol test?
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Does Excedrin effect you before conception?

The ingredients in Excedrin are acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. The former two are routinely prescribed to pregnant women, while opinions vary on what doses of caffeine are safe for pregnant women; taking Excedrin before conceiving should not affect future pregnancies.

Safe to take excedrin migraine and percocet together?

Yes it is safe. I have been taking percocet and excedrin maximum strength for years, but as always its safer to consult your doctor for reassurance due to the face that nobody knows your current medical history. I say yes.

Can you take a sleeping pill while fasting for bloodwork?

It is generally recommended to avoid taking any medication, including sleeping pills, while fasting for bloodwork unless advised by a healthcare provider. Taking a sleeping pill could potentially affect the results of the blood tests being conducted. It's best to consult with your healthcare provider before taking any medication during fasting for bloodwork.

Can cholesterol-reducing drugs affect other medicines?

Cholesterol-reducing drugs may change the effects of other medicines. Patients should not take any other medicine that has not been prescribed or approved by a physician who knows they are taking cholesterol-reducing drugs.

Will taking vicodin the night before getting a series of fasting blood tests for B12 deficiency and lyme disease and diabetes and cholesterol affect the outcome of these tests?

I had this exact issue come up last year. I told the doctor that I had taken 2 vicodin the night before for my shoulder and asked m Doctor if it would affect my choleterol test, he said no. I have high cholesterol anyways and it was no different this time so I can't tell you whether it scewed my test results as all. He did say no though. Hope this helps.

Can you take excedrin migraine while taking Vyvanse?

DON'T DO IT! Technically you can, but Excedrin migrate has caffeine in it, enough that when I took it while on vyvanse, my heart was racing and I could not stop vommitting. If you can drink a bunch of coffee while on vyvanse, you probably won't have an issue with the Excedrin migrane, but be careful when taking too many stimulants at the same time.

Can laxatives be taken while fasting for a blood test?

It's best to avoid taking laxatives while fasting for a blood test, as it can affect the accuracy of the results. Laxatives can alter electrolyte levels in the blood, which may impact the test results. If you have concerns about taking laxatives, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider for guidance.

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Can you tell the benefit of taking Coenzim Q10 with cholesterol tablets?

Why do you feel weird after drinking red bull and taking excedrin?

Too much caffeine.........dugh!

How can you clear cholesterol?

by taking lipitor

Can you take your statin before cholesterol test?

It is generally recommended to avoid taking statins before a cholesterol test, as they can affect the accuracy of the results. However, you should follow your healthcare provider's specific instructions about whether to take your statin medication before a cholesterol test.