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It's better to add the milk then warm it up in the microwave for a couple of minutes. I like to eat mine with cinnamon and honey, maybe a little bit of sugar.

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Q: Why does grape nut cereal stay crunchy in milk the longest?
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Which cereal brand stays crunchy in milk the longest Apple Jacks or frosted flakes?

Apple jacks

Which cereal brand stays crunchy in the milk?

honey brunch of oat

What kind of cereal stays crunchy for a long time?

The kind of cereal that stays crunchy a long time would be cereal that has a sugary coating which prevents it from absorbing the milk too fast. Other cereals that have dense grains will also stay crunchy longer.

Which cereal brand stays crunchy in milk the longest?

from my experiment the answer for this would be CHEERIOSbecause they connect with the milk which helps it not to be soft and stays crunchy it also provides lots of vitamin and whole grain.

Is cereal solid or liquid?

Cereal is a solid food. It typically consists of crunchy grains that are consumed with milk or other liquids.

Which cereal type stays crunchy in milk the longest?

In my experience it is Grape Nuts and the even sturdier but less common Kashi Nuggets, which requires me to let it soak in milk for 10-15 minutes or more before I can chew it!

Whenever you make cereal what goes first milk or cereal?

Cereal goes first and then pour in the milk. Otherwise if you put milk first it will overflow when the heavier cereal goes in.

What causes soggy cereal to ocurr?

WeLl it all depends on the cereal and the amount. Just Play around with it After a few min and you'll see yourself..

What type of mixture does milk and cereal form?

Milk and cereal is a heterogeneous mixture.

Is the cereal and milk is physical or chemical?

Cereal and milk is a physical mixture, not a chemical one. When you pour cereal into milk, it doesn't create a new substance through a chemical reaction. The components of cereal and milk retain their individual properties.

When you pour the milk in your cereal bowl, do you pour the milk in before or after you put in the cereal?

Personally, I pour the milk in after.

Is cereal with milk homo or hterogeneous?

Cereal with milk is a heterogeneous mixture because you can see the individual components (cereal and milk) in the mixture. Each component retains its own properties and can be physically separated.