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There are several websites with tips and ideas on how to save water. Earth Easy offers 25 things one can do at home to conserve water. Water Wise and Save Water also have tips on how to cut back on one's water usage.

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Q: Where could one find information regarding saving water?
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They could be saving up to 15,000 to 25,000 gallons of water a year.

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By saving water, we can save life of many creatures of the world who directly or indirectly depends on water.

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Depends on what you do with the water you save or the money saved. Could help, but if you just save it and keep it in North America, no.

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It probably could.

What are the advantage of saving?

By saving water, we can save life of many creatures of the world who directly or indirectly depends on water.

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Information on the Viscosity (how easy it flows) of water can be found on the Wikipedia page for Water. Here it has information on the Viscosity of water in its various states (Solid, Liquid and Gas).

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conservation of water means saving water

Can an electric power saving device on the water heater malfunction and cause it not to produce hot water?

With out a better description of what the power saving device is and how it is connected into the water heater's circuit, an answer can not be forthcoming. If the device is connected in series with the "hot" line of the heater and it opens the lines up then of course the hot water tank will not work. If you go to the discussion page and leave more information, an answer might possibly be found to your question.

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saving the water

Saving water is necessary for your life?

No drinking water is necessary for your life

Is saving water saving energy?

Yes it is. Almost if you live in a place where you can access enough water sources in a year... otherwise is a vital need. No one water drop wastes itself. Wherever you put or whatever you use it for . (Water Cycle) But you may need energy for water treatment, because of the pollution (atmosphere, springs, rivers) that waste it along the track made before you can use it . Pollution acts like someone that use water before you can get it. So what you get is not what you could. Wasted water needs another round in the cycle (and a clean return path) or energy to be used to make it accettable for any use. Yes saving water saves energy! 6.5% of the energy used in the state of California is for pumping and treating water - in fact, pumping water south (and uphill) in the State Water Project accounts for 2-3% of all the electricity used in the state. If we can reduce our consumption of water, less amount of energy would be required for pumping and treating water. Small measures like fixing leaking faucets and sprinklers can also go a long way in saving water. For more water saving tips, check out the link below.