The best place to find a shrimp salad recipe is It's been around since 2005. This website lists every shrimp salad recipe known to man. Enjoy!
You can find a recipe online if you check the internet for Asian Noodle Salad and yes it is possible to make this dish at home, however you can check online for the exact recipe for this.
The best simple fruit salad recipe would be to go online to She has some really good recipes for salads that are quick and won't spoil and she's walk you through the steps.
You can find tons of wonderful pasta salad recipes at many of the internet's top recipe sites. As an example, some of these are AllRecipes, FoodNetwork, and Food.
A broccoli salad recipe can be found on or on Or you could go to the bookstore to look for recipe books etc.
There are many places to find recipes. You can try looking in a cookbook in your local bookstore. You can also look on the internet, on websites such as or
You can find a recipe on how to make a pasta salad in many salad cooking books. Visit your local bookstore like a Barnes & Noble and ask after their salad cooking books.
You can find a ham salad recipe online at the AllRecipes website. Alternatively, you can also find these recipes available online at the SimplyRecipes website.
One can find broccoli salad recipes from cook books, recipe shows or from recipe sites. Some recipe sites where one can find thousands recipes like broccoli salad recipe are food network, all recipes, all taste and many more.
You can find an asian cucumber salad recipe on both and The second recipe on is supposedly easier to make and is called asian-sesame cucumber salad.
One can find a shrimp salad recipe on the FoodNetwork. Their TV shows often have cooking guides and recipes. Their online website also has such a recipe for free for users to view.
You can find a 7 layer salad recipe at the All Recipes website. Once on the page, type "Seven layer salad recipe" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the recipes.