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Q: When A patient has fluid intake and output sheet on which to record information when is the proper time to record the patients fluid intake?
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What is the indicator of fluid retention in critically ill patients?

Intake and Output.

Purpose of monitoring of intake and output?

Determines patients current volume

Why monitor intake and output with a patient with cholelithiasis?

A person with cholelithiasis will need to be monitored to ensure they are not having further problems. Documenting intake and output is one such monitor.

When do you start an intake and output chart?

In case of dehydration In fluid and electrolyte imbalance In kidney impairment patients In case of dialysis patients

Which is the abbreviation for the nursing procedure that documents the amount of fluids taken in and eliminated by a patient?

I & O; otherwise known as intake and output.

What is a health team?

A "Health Team" is a group of trained medical specialists tasked with looking after a patient's medical needs. Acting together the all contribute their specialism to improve the overall output and deliver greater efficiencies to their patients by sharing the information about their patients condition and needs within the group.

What is the Important of intake and output measurement?

Intake and output measurement is important in healthcare to monitor a patient's fluid balance. It helps healthcare providers assess hydration status, kidney function, and overall health. Monitoring intake and output can also detect early signs of fluid imbalances or underlying health issues.

When filling out an Intake and Output chart and the patient drank 50cc's at 5am do I chart that under 4-5am or 5-6 am?

You chart it under 5-6am.

What is the medical term meaning output exceeds intake?

Diuresis is the medical term meaning liquid output exceeds intake.

What factors affect urine output?

There are many things that affect an animal's urine output such as food intake. Beverage intake also affects an animal's urine output.

Why do you use fluid balance charts?

Fluid balance charts are used to accurately monitor a patient's fluid intake and output, which is crucial for maintaining their hydration status and overall health. By tracking how much fluid a patient is taking in and how much they are eliminating, healthcare providers can identify if there is any imbalance that needs to be corrected. This information is important for managing conditions like dehydration or fluid overload.

What is intake and output in Nursing or Medicine?

Intake is the amount of fluids someone takes in and output is how much urine they excreted. It's used to monitor fluid balance.