A recipe by different food groups and main dishes
You can find a recipe for Tiramisu in your local book store in the section for cookbooks or in your local library. Depending on the cookbook look in the section for desserts of international recipes.
FoodChannel's Linda Lee offers a special recipe about lemon bars. Linda Lee has her very own section on food.com and a section on the FoodChannel website.
A recipe for oatcakes can be found on the BBC website in the food section. The website of Delicious Magazine also has an interesting recipe for oatcakes.
You can find the recipe you are looking for at www.hubertkeller.com. Click on the Secrets of a Chef section and then choose recipes.
go rte.ie and go to the food section type in pumpkin pie and you will find a great recipe.
Most online recipe sites have a diabetic recipe section. the following site has some good recipe options: http://www.healthrecipes.com/diabetic_recipes.htm
Submit your recipe to either the author or a book publishers who produce such books. If you look at a few cook books and see who publishes them, contact that person or company who will be able to point you in the right direction. Alternatively look at life style magazines which have a recipe section and submit your contribution there. Answers.com also has a recipe section were you can 'publish' your recipe(s), which you will find has a large reader base.
go rte.ie and go to the food section type in pumpkin pie and you will find a great recipe.
The add part of a recipe is optional. They are twist of the original recipe to make it slightly different with out altering the main recipe.
The main ingredient of Spanish stew will depend on the recipe. There is more than one kind.Depending on the recipe, the main ingredient is either chicken, beef, chorizo, beans (vegetarian) and potato (vegetarian). it also has a mix of vegetables, again, based on the exact recipe.