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Q: What is difference between baby bottle and nipples that are available now?
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What is the difference between a squirt bottle and a spray bottle?

easy as. A squirt bottle squirts and s spray bottle sprays. How can you not know that!

What is the difference between a water bottle and puberty?

The water bottle has hit Justin Bieber but puberty didn't. :)-

What was the difference in temperature between the bottle with the seltzer and the bottle without seltzer?

Bottle with seltzer is warmer than the bottle without seltzer. haha good luck with this answer -sneez

What is the difference between Man O War and blue bottle?

they're the same thing.

What was the difference in temperature between the bottle with seltzer and the bottle without seltzer?

The temperature of the bottle with seltzer was 2 degrees Celsius lower than the bottle without seltzer.

Why droplets of water appears on the outer surface of the cool water bottle?

It's called condensation. The temperature difference between the bottle and the surrounding air - causes water to condense out onto the bottle's surface.

What are capacity and volume?

Capacity is the space inside something (that is hollow). Volume is the space something occupies. The capacity of a bottle is the amount of space inside the bottle, whereas the volume of the bottle is the space that the bottle occupies. The difference between the two is the volume of the material from which the bottle is made.

Mineral water what is the difference between ordinary bottle water and mineral water?

plan water isn't good.

What is the difference between Real Lemon from the green bottle and lemon juice squeezed from a lemon?

For purposes of baking there is no real difference. The lemon juice from the green bottle if you read the label, you will see that it is from concentrate, and fresh squeezed is exactly that, fresh squeezed.

Where are small enough bottle nipples for baby squirrels?

Try PetSmart/Vet's office or look to the link below .

What is meant by the term 'bottle service'?

Bottle services means having liquor available for purchase by the bottle. This is a service usually made available at bars or restaurants or nightclubs.

What diseases causes sore darker bumpy nipples?

Hepatitis, Herpatitis, Nerpatitis and Downs Syndrome. WARNING: If you suspect that you have contracted one or more of these diseases go to the nearest pharmacy and buy a bottle of the strongest antihistamine, take the full bottle (don't pay attention to dosage suggestions on bottle.) This should clear it all up and you'll be back to pretty nipples in no time!