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. It's bears garlic. It is an herb

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Q: What is a leafy herb that tastes like garlic?
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Does snails taste like chicken?

no. it tastes more like garlic butter.

What does flat-bread taste like?

It tastes quite bland. But if you toast it it will have crunchy crusts and a chewy middle.

Why butter bread?

If you like garlic, you can find garlic bread already buttered in the freezer section of a major grocery store.

What is ketcap?

Kecap is a sauce that tastes like a sweet soy sauce flavored with garlic. You can use it as a marinade or as a condiment.

What does garlic look like?

A head of garlic is the whole bulb, covered in the papery layers of skin, containing maybe 12 cloves of garlic, which are the individual 'segments' of garlic, with pinkish, waxier skin. Each clove is about a centimeter long and is shaped like a 'fat' segment of an orange.

Is garlic a bulb?

Garlic is considered to be both a vegetable and a herb.

What is the phrase 'dill weed' when translated from English to Telugu?

Dill is called Shatapushpamu, I believe, in Telugu... It is a herb that tastes a bit like Saunf, or Anise!!

What is the best flavor of beef jerky?

This depends on the person eating it and their tastes. One may like teriyaki flavor best, whereas another may like garlic better.

What is an anise like herb?

Anise is an herb that tastes like licorice. You can substitute fennel seeds for the same flavor when cooking; some cookbooks also say you can use "anise-like" herbs such as dill, basil, tarragon, marjoram or angelica.

What type of animal is a leafy seadragon?

the leafy seadragon is the family of seahorses, they look like them and act like them