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Q: What do you crave for?
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What do reindeers crave?

They do not crave anything.

How do you write a sentence using the word crave?

crave ex: i crave another snickers bar they are my favorite.

What is Something you crave that starts with w?

I crave waffles. I also crave Wild Cherry Ice Cream.

How do you use crave in a sentence?

"I crave over chocolate"

Why do you crave pretzels?

People don't crave pretzels

Do alcoholics crave chocolate?

No, alcoholics crave alcohol.

When was The Crave created?

The Crave was created on 2010-07-26.

When was Crave Entertainment created?

Crave Entertainment was created in 1997.

When was Crave Records created?

Crave Records was created in 1997.

When did Crave Records end?

Crave Records ended in 1998.

A sentence with the word crave?

I crave chocolate after two days on a diet. Pregnant women often crave certain foods.

How can you make sentence using word crave?

Some children misbehave because they crave attention. Many women crave unusual foods when they're pregnant. One minute I crave something sweet and the next minute I crave something salty.