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There are many different places one might go to receive a free credit report. The Annual Credit Report does not require a credit card and allows you to get reports from up to three credit reporting agencies.

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Q: What are the names of two online sites that offer free credit reports and there is no credit card needed to get the credit report?
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Related questions

Are online credit reports accurate?

Most online credit reports are accurate. However, if you receive a copy of your credit report and there is a decrepancy, call or write the credit report company to get this corrected.

How can a person get their credit report score for free on an annual basis?

A person can get their credit report score for free on an annual basis by applying online at a credit report site that will offer free credit reports. Someone can fill out a report online, or mail one to a business that offers free annual credit reports.

What is a free online credit report?

A credit report is a record of your purchase & payment credit history. These reports are used by various corporations to determine your credit 'worthiness' before issuing you credit, offering you a job or writing you a mortgage. An online report is simply a credit report on you, that you can request, from the three major credit reporting companies online, for free.

What companies offer free credit reports online?

There are many companies that offer free credit reports online. These include Experian, Equifax, Noodle, Check My File, and many more credit report sites.

How accurate are online credit reports?

Online Credit Reports are extremely accurate if they are obtained from on of the 3 major credit reporting bureaus. Be careful that you don't get scammed by checking your report through a company that is not affiliated with the 3 Credit Bureaus.

Where can one view their credit report online for free?

A person looking to view their credit report online may do so at a number of websites. Some websites that offer free reports include Annual Credit Report, Experian, Equifax, and Credit Karma.

Where can a person go to get a free credit report online?

There are a number of places in UK where a person can get a free credit report online. The two biggest companies that offer such reports are Equifax and Experian.

What and where to find free credit reports?

Free credit reports are basically what the name implies. It's a report that shows you what your credit is and what kind of credit lines you have currently open or have closed. is a great site that allows you a once a year view of your credit report online.

Where are free credit reports available?

There are free credit reports available at You can also obtain a credit report from your bank pr credit institution. As well, you can get one from a financial company.

Where can you get three free credit reports?

Free triple score, creditreport, annual credit report will provide the credit reports that are needed, and will also give the consumer a score so they can evaluate where they stand.

How would you be able to get a free credit report online in the state of California?

Check out to obtain credit reports from all three agencies online.

How can someone request a free online report of their credit score?

Yes, free credit score reports can be requested online. The best-known website for this is FreeCreditReport. Credit reports may obtained for free once per year.