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Commercially produced foods using either pesticides, hormone enhancing drugs (eg. Steroids), antibiotics or other chemicals to improve size, weight and quantity, this is due the large amount of our population demanding more and more food. Some examples of inorganic foods are frozen food (majority of them), fast food (eg. McDonalds, KFC, BurgerKing or known in Australian as Hungry Jacks), legumes such as nuts, potato chips, fruit & veg imported from mass producing countries like China, Japan, many Asian countries and European countries Etc. This doesn't mean that any places I didn't mention produce only organic, because every country produces inorganic food, it's just up to us as consumers to known the difference between organic and inorganic

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Q: What are examples of inorganic foods?
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Pocessed foods are any foods that foods that are not in their natural state. This includes most foods that are not and some foods that are around the perameter of grocery stores. Some examples are canned foods, frozen foods, condiments, etc. These foods can be organic or inorganic. Organic foods have been grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

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Minerals are neither animal nor vegetable, they are inorganic. Almost all foods contribute to a varied intake of essential minerals. Most minerals are easy to obtain in quantities required by the body. Examples are iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iodine, magnesium, zinc and copper.

What are the disadvantages of inorganic foods?

Inorganic foods may contain synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals that can potentially be harmful to human health. Consuming these foods may also contribute to environmental pollution and disruption of natural ecosystems. Additionally, inorganic farming practices can deplete soil quality and reduce biodiversity in agricultural areas.

Why is healthy food better than inorganic foods?

You mean non-organic foods. No foods are inorganic (meaning without the element carbon). The general conscious here is that organic foods are grown without the use of genetically modified crops and pesticides that ~may~ have negative effects on our health (like poisons).

How can inorganic foods be determined?

by being non-organic - ononimus geneuse over and out.

What are the other relevant field of chemistry?

Examples: inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, radiochemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, etc.

What are ten examples of rich fat foods?

examples: hamburger, cake, butter, oil foods, and