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WebMD has a section on ADHD, which includes diet suggestions for children and adults. There is also a site called ADHD awareness that has some pieces about nutrition. Many ADD/ADHD people self-medicate with caffeine, which should be discouraged.

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You can go to this website to find diets for an ADHD child that will help them deal with the condition: to find information on ADHD diets

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Q: Is there a website that offers more information on the ADHD diet for children?
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How can I recognize adhd symptoms?

There are lots of sites with information about ADHD symptoms. The WebMD and Healthline sites are both great sites with accurate information about ADHD in both children and adults.

Where can i learn more information about a diet plan for children with adhd?

Children with ADHD should be following a specific diet that has a lot fish and omega 3 fatty acids in it. It helps the receptors in the brain do what they are supposed to do better.

Information on home schooling.?

You should find information on your state's website concerning home schooling. Every state has a law and ever curriculum for home schoolers. You can enter a homeschool support groups which help with the material. Yes it is ok for ADHD children to be home schooled, but keep in mind that children with ADHD need more attention and especially patience.

What is a good diet to follow for ADHD?

A lot of times specialists say that the best thing for children with ADHD is actually coffee. Here is a link with more information.

Is there a good diet for ADHD sufferers?

A carbohydrate/protein-balanced diet��_ is a good option for a child with ADHD. You can find more information on that here

What are some diets for adhd children?

A diet high in protein, complex carbs, and Omega-3s will be beneficial to a child with ADHD. For more information, visit WebMD:

Is there a diet plan for children effected from ADHD?

It is recommended that you check with your child's doctor about a diet plan he or she recommends for your child. It is essential to also watch what your child is taking in as well. is a website you could visit that offers advice about your child's diet and what he or she should be eating.

are any diets special for adhd patients? offers some advice for diets for ADHD patients. also offers some great help when it comes to a diet for ADHD patients. It is also advised to check with your doctor about some diet ideas for those dealing with ADHD.

Are there supplements for ADHD?

This website I am offering has a list of available supplements that your son could take. The website is:

Does the adhad diet really work?

There are many different reviews about the ADHAD diet. For more information on this subject, please see the following website: -

What are children with ADHD like?

Children with ADHD can be fidgety, have a very short attention span, be impulsive, and have difficulty completing tasks

How was Leonardo da Vinci able to work with ADHD?

he didn't have adhd. people disaplined their children then therefore adhd didn't exist.