Yes. Patola is a herb because it has a soft stem
I would consider soft, mushy garlic to be rotten therefore, probably not a good idea to eat.
It is never a good idea for a pregnant woman to eat undercooked or raw foods...including unpasturized milk and soft cheeses such as goats cheese
Ghaint Patola was created on 2011-04-21.
The patola is an excellent source of vitamin B.
The English term for patola vegetables is sponge gourd.
they love raw meat hambugar ours seems to like best and soft dog food
You can eat anything soft... (including ice cream) You can't eat anything hard like raw carrots. You can have gum, Sugerfree, pretty much anything else
If you are referring to 'patola' in Punjabi.. it means 'chick' in English. A beautiful girl in English slang is called as chick and in Punjabi we call her PATOLA!
The English translation of "patola" in Tagalog is "luffa" or "ridged gourd." It is a type of vegetable commonly used in cooking in Filipino cuisine.
i didnt know there was a pepsi raw