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So you need 21 oz of broth and 21 oz of water. Add the 14 oz can first, then you need an additional 7 oz. 7 oz is one half of the 14 oz can. So you just add a half of can of the one you have left over. In a nutshell you need 1 1/2 - 14 oz cans to make you recipe.

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Q: If a recipe calls for two 10.5 oz cans of broth and 2 cans of water and you have two cans of 14oz how much water should you use if you don't want to add two 14oz cans because it might be too watery?
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ok broth is a more watery like substance while stew is very rich and thick

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yes a broth is a type of Top Ramon, for example the watery part is broth but they still call it soup.i like broth and soup but i only like one thing.

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The density of chicken brother is 1.07 g / cm^3. Of course the density of chicken broth could vary from brand to brand or recipe to recipe.

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The ratio between blood and broth in blood broth can vary depending on the recipe. Typically, blood broth recipes call for a higher proportion of broth to blood, with a common ratio being around 4 parts broth to 1 part blood. This allows the broth to provide flavor, nutrients, and volume while the blood adds richness and color.

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chicken broth is considered clear broth. Better than bouillon will make a fine liquid for any recipe calling for clear broth. Taste it before you add it to your dish. It should be good tasting and you may want to adjust the amount of water per base to your taste.

Can you substitute beef broth for condensed beef broth?

You could, but how you do it depends on your recipe. (I'm assuming here you want to substitute Swanson's for a more concentrated broth like Campbell's). If the recipe says add water to dilute the concentrated broth, obviously you wouldn't want to do that with the Swanson's. You'd just add the same total volume of liquid called for in the recipe. If you really wanted to be a purist, you could always concentrate the regular beef broth by reducing it down in a saucepan, or you could purchase a jar of beef base and add a little to the broth to give it a more concentrated beef flavor (but be careful how much you add, it can also add a lot of salt).

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Probably what you want is a recipe for Scotch broth, the main ingredients of which are lamb, onion and barley. If you go to there are quite a few recipes for this soup there.

How do you make moist cornbread?

You can make your cornbread dressing more moist by adding more broth to the recipe. When you pour the dressing into the baking pan, if you have a little broth standing on top, it should turn out moist. Another way is, when you add the broth to the dressing mixture, stir it well, and let it sit for a little while to allow the cornbread to absorb the moisture. Then add more broth. I have also checked the dressing during baking, and if it seems to be getting dry, I drizzle broth over the top and put it back in the oven. The broth you add will absorb into the dressing.

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Tomato bisque is more of a paste, where soup is more watery, depending how thick the broth is.

What is name of thin soup?

A broth Consomme.

It takes cups of chicken broth to make a chicken soup recipe How much is this in quarts?

It would be 19 qt

Can you use chicken soup as broth?

Yes chicken soup can be used as broth. More than likely the soup will already have salt in it so if your recipe calls for extra salt you might not need as much. Just add in seasonings and salt according to taste