In my bar, two ounces and a quarter ounce of cointreau BUT you could very well do 2 and 3/4 tequila and 1/4 cointreau OR just 3/4 to 1 ounce tequila and a splash of cointreau. Depends on your alcohol tolerance I suppose.
Tequila bottles range in size. You can get anything from a small two ounce Airport bottle of tequila to a larger handle of tequila with 59 ounces.
there are about 25 "shots" in a typical bottle of tequila and if there is 100 calories in a shot.....there are 2500 calories in a bottle of tequila
there are about 25 "shots" in a typical bottle of tequila and if there is 100 calories in a shot.....there are 2500 calories in a bottle of tequila
Because the region of Mexico from where is it, Tequila is a city in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.
Many different sizes.
A standard bottle of Don Julio Tequila contains 750 ml, which is equivalent to 25.4 ounces.
How many margaritas do you want to order for the party?
1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila, floor...
There are no carbs in tequila. Many hard alcohols have no carbs including rum, brandy, gin, and most types of whiskey.
Apparently there are 253 calories in a tequila sunrise.