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Q: How long does roundup stay in a container?
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It may stay there almost indefinitely, if the container has no leaks.

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When stored in an airtight container (tupperware), it will stay a few days. # to 5 days at the most. This can be frozen in the freezer in the airtight container.

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a couple days in an air tight container

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three days

How long brownies stay fresh?

i would say brownies stay fresh for about 3-5 days if they are in a sealed container.

How long can a container of strawberry jam stay safely un-refrigerated?

indefinitely unless opened

Will roundup still work after it is frozen?

If Roundup were to freeze, it does not diminish the effectiveness of the product, as long as the Roundup is able to thaw out, it will still work. The only problem with allowing it to freeze would be the possibility of container damage (when the product freezes, it can expand and the container may crack) so if possible, it should be stored where it will not freeze.

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Dry pasta lasts literally forever.

How long does cooked pasta with vegetables stay good in fridge?

Put it in an air tight container with a lid.

How long will white cabbage stay fresh in fridge?

If stored properly, in an airtight container or bag, a head of cabbage can stay fresh for up to 3 months.

What does roundup ready mean in plant science?

Roundup is the name of a herbicide used by farmers to kill weeds. A plant is said to be roundup ready if it is resistant to roundup, so that you can spray a field with roundup and it will kill the weeds but won't kill the roundup ready crop.

Where is the Roundup School-Community Library in Roundup located?

The address of the Roundup School-Community Library is: 601 6Th Ave West, Roundup, 59072 M