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Moisture provides an environment suitable for the growth of pathogens and spoilage organisms. So you have to control the moisture levels in the food, depending upon the preservation method being used.

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Moisture can decrease the shelf life of food because it attracts bacteria. Bacteria require warmth, food, moisture and time to grow and make food go off.

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The amount of water.

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Q: How does moisture spoil food?
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What food does bacteria spoil?

Anything that has enough moisture to support bacterial growth.

What are the conditions that favor the spoilage of carbohydrate based intermediate moisture foods?

Warm and/or humid conditions. If intermediate moisture foods are exposed to warm enough, or humid enough, conditions, moisture will either enter the food or stick to the surface of the food. If the moisture of the food increases, microorganisms will start to grow and spoil the food.

What causes things to spoil?

Food spoilage happens when bacteria in the food is allowed to grow. The food heats up to room temperature or hotter and the bacteria grow allowing it to spoil.

Why can dehydrated food be stored for a long time without worry of it being contaminated by bacteria?

Dehydrating food removes moisture, which is essential for bacteria to grow. Without moisture, bacteria cannot thrive and spoil the food, allowing dehydrated food to have a longer shelf life. Additionally, packaging dehydrated food in airtight containers further prevents bacterial contamination.

Why does friut spoil?

because of there heat and gas and loses its moisture

Why are harvested crops dried in the sun?

Because food grains contain moisture that promotes the growth of fungi and mould on grains and spoil food grains.And that's why harvested crops are dried in the sun.

How does lettuce spoil?

by letting too much or too less moisture get into them

Why do strawberries spoil fast?

Strawberries spoil quickly because they have a high moisture content, thin skin, and high sugar content.

Why don't unsalted crackers spoil?

Crackers are dry. Spoilage requires moisture.

How long does it take for food to spoil your teeth?

If food particles remain in the teeth , it can spoil your teeth quickly.

How does food spoil in the house or in the shop?

Food can spoil anywhere. If it is left in the temperature danger zone, food will spoil faster. The temperature danger zone is between 145 degrees and 45 degrees.

What microbes spoil food?

Common spoilage microbes include bacteria like Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, and Bacillus, as well as molds like Aspergillus and Penicillium, and yeasts like Saccharomyces and Candida. These microbes can cause food to spoil by breaking down nutrients, producing off-flavors and odors, and causing texture changes.