slop isn't available in vanilla
slip, slop, slapslip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hatslip, slop, slap da dain the sun we always say, SLIP, SLOP, SLAP.
its slop
Cosmic Slop was created in 1973.
The word "slosh" is a combination of "slop" and "splash," describing the sound or action of liquid moving or splattering around loosely.
Here are some sun safety slogans: 1 - don't look at the sun when using a telescope. 2 - when u are outside in the summer make sure u wear sunscreen. 3 - don't look at the sun u can go blind. 4 - don't go to the sun the sun is extremely hot u can melt. 5- Slip, Slop, Slap! It sounds like a breeze when you say it like that Slip, Slop, Slap! In the sun we always say "Slip Slop Slap!" Slip, Slop, Slap! Slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat, Slip, Slop, Slap! You can stop skin cancer - say: "Slip, Slop, Slap!"
people make the slop steeper or remove vegetation .
To get slop, you must first have a fully built Pigpen. Once you have a built Pigpen, here are the following options to acquiring slop: - Ask neighbors for pig slop by clicking the option inside the pin - Harvest crops to get bushels from them. You can then trade in the bushels for slop.
Slop is okay. It will not give your monster much health, if your monster is sick feeding it a bunch of slop will not help.
Short Slop
Well its not slop, but slope and its adjective form is sloppy.
(1) give it slop from the gross eri stor (2) bring it shoping (3) feed it he's slop (4) then play at puzel palez (5) then your zommer well be super happy (6) make more frinds