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Peanut paste is different from peanut butter, peanut butter has sugar in it, and i think it has butter in it. I dont know how to make it, Im looking how to make it my self.


Peanut butter is made from peanut paste, salt, vegatable oil, sugar, and stabilizer to keep the oil from separating from the paste.

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Q: How do you make peanut paste and how is it different from peanut butter?
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Is it possible to make gold with peanut butter?

No you can not. Gold has different properties, chemicals, and minerals in it than Peanut Butter.

Is peanut butter a protein foods or empty calories?

There are different types of peanut butter. Natural peanut butter is considered a good source of protein and healthy oils/fats. The commercial brands of peanut butter have added sugars and fats, which make them less healthy.

How do you make a peanut butter smoothy?

peanut butter, ice, milk

Does peanut butter crunch have real peanut butter?

Peanut butter is made by crushing peanuts into paste. Make your own by putting some peanuts into a plastic bag and pounding them with a hammer. A jar of pure/natural peanut butter will have a layer of peanut oil on top and must be stirred before each use. Brands like Skippy and Jiff have additives mixed in to prevent the oil from separating.

What did George Washington Carver use to make peanut butter?

George Washington Carver developed about 300 different used for the peanut, but peanut butter was not among them. Peanut butter was developed in other cultures, and American style peanut butter was patented in 1884 to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

What is penut butter?

A paste made from ground roasted peanuts, used as a spread or in cookery. A peanut.

The First person to make peanut butter?

A German Shepherd first tasted peanut butter.

Does peanut butter grow on a plant?

NO!Of course not. Peanut butter is made in a factory. But peanuts grow on a plant, in order to make peanut butter!

Did George Washington Carver make peanut?

no he did not make peanut he made peanut butter

Can you make brownies out of peanut butter?

A brownie requires chocolate-like substances, along with multiple other ingredients. If you only used peanut butter, it wouldn't be a brownie, but more of a peanut butter sculpture in the shape of a brownie. I don't think you can make a brownie out of just peanut butter but im sure you could put peanut butter chips into it and make it be chocolate and peanut butter! That sounds good!

what happens if you mix peanut butter and jam?

That is what you do to make a "peanut butter and jelly" sandwich.

How do you make peanut butter playdough?

mix peanut butter and dough flour and wallah