Take every measurement and DOUBLE it. EXAMPLE: If it askes for 1/2 teaspoon of something; now you want to make that 1 teaspoon.
write it two and a half timesAdded: If you double a recipe and then half it - you are back to a single recipe.
Unless you double everything in the recipe it will not turn out right.
Double the amounts in the recipe. Make a double batch.
Double the amount of each ingredient called for in the recipe, including wine and sugar.
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour = 1 Tbsp cornstarch Whatever amount of cornstarch your recipe calls for, just double that measurement and use flour instead.
If the recipe says 1 cup of something just put 2 cups, or if the recipe says 5 grams put 10 grams. Double or multiply by 2 each measurement.
Yes you do otherwise you won't have enough!
yeah take each ingredient and double the amount it calls for.. this goes for doing half the amount the recipe yeilds
you double the ingredients