The Status bar is part of the window and that requires coding to change the position. There is no user interface to move it about.
You can report the website under the information bar and tell them that they have created an account in your name.
When you are in edit mode rest your cursor on "my pages" in the upper left hand corner. Find the page you want to change the name of. Click on that page. Now, rest your cursor on "my pages" again and you will see that you can see a pencil right next to the name of the page. Click on that to change the name of the page. Now, if you want to change the name of your site you have to click on "account" in the upper right hand corner, on the grey piczo bar. You will see a section there called "Website Settings". In that section it says "Website Name" then your site name and then a little button that says "edit". Click on that to change your website name.
Piczo recently took the button away, but there is another way to access your account settings. Log in and then look under the side bar under the Following/Followers links, there should be another link that reads "Account Settings"
status bar
All you need to do is type in in the address bar and log on then 'create' to access your website. BB x ps I prefer the old version - dont like the updates!
Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.Normally the status bar is there, but it is possible to put a toolbar there too.
The status bar displays information about the menu bar items
Status bar
To show or not show the status bar: click on View and tick Status Bar to enable, remove tick to disable. The status bar appears at the foot of the Calc spreadsheet.
go to the 'menu bar' click 'view', a drop down list appears. in the list, on the second position is 'status bar' click the option and the status bar is retrieved
click the menu then show the status bar