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It depends on the sickness that the invalid is suffering from. Chicken noodle soup is a common food for the sick. It is good to stick with mild foods when preparing meals for sick people. Avoid spicy dishes or food with very distinct flavors. Spicy or strong foods can upset the stomach, especially if you are sick. Also, it is good to eat foods that are not too dense and/or difficult to digest because you want your body to be using it's energy to get better, rather than digest food.

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10y ago

Its the same as for anyone else. You will need to check any diet requirements, plan means that meet a daily calericount, fibre and vitanmin balance. Are not to repetative across "x" days and are enogh for the person for each meal

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The type disease

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Jessy Bevine

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Kindly,,,can you assist me with the answers?

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Q: Find out factors to consider when planning meals for invalids and convalscent?
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Diet restrictions are one factor to consider when planning a meal. Other factors to consider include the time it takes to prepare the meal, and how much food that you need per person.

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you should think about these 2 things do they have teeth will be easy to eat

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