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give me the ans of design a promotional strategy for the menu

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2 Design a promotional strategy for the menu?

Design a promotional strategy for the menu

What is promotional strategy?

A promotional strategy is a plan to promote a product or service to the consumer. Usually involves an incentive for consumer.

What is the definition of promotional strategy?

The definition of promotional strategy is when you choose to market and formulate a promotion to influence a person's decision.

What is the difference between product and promotional strategy?

Promotional strategy is the process in how you promote the product like giving away promotional items. The products are the items that you hand out to people.

What is a word for promotional item?

Promotional items is a part of a business marketing strategy of a company.

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Promotional design are things that is used to capture the audience of a cetian market for a certain product.

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Differentiate between product strategy and promotional strategy?

They can mean the same thing. Or Product Strategy is focused on the product and what objectives its meant to achieve for the user/consumer Promotional Strategy is focused on correctly Branding and promoting the product to the Target Markets.

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