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it might be dead but if its moving tht means its alive and it has swim bladder disease

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Q: Wy is your betta fish floating upside down?
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Why does your red cap fish keep floating upside down?

As long as your fish is not upside down all the time, it is not dead. Most likely your fish has a bladder disorder and it cannot help but float upside down.

How do you now when a girl Betta fish is hurt?

It floats upside down for 12 days.

When fish swim upside down it helps them do what?

For some fish, this is a way of escaping predators, for others, such as an upside-down catfish, it allows them to find food (primarily algae) on floating wood.

What if the betta fish is not floating to the top and is sinking to the bottom?

Fish do not normally "float around" they swim. If your fish is floating/sinking then it is probably dead.

Betta not eating is upside down for past 2 weeks?

probably cuz he's, well dead, or bloated. it happens with fish too.

Why is your betta fish spiting out his food and floating at the top?

The fish is either too full, or ill

What has happened when your fish is upside down floating on the top of the tank?

Its Dead. When it floats up and the gills are not moving and breathing for sure it is dead

Your betta is floating to the top what is happening?

If a betta fish is floating at the top of the tank, it could indicate a swim bladder issue, which may be caused by overfeeding, constipation, or infection. It's important to monitor the fish's behavior and water parameters, and consider adjusting its diet or seeking veterinary advice if necessary.

Are rocks allowed when betta fish are breeding?

Yes, but they aren't needed. The tank should be empty except for an upside down cup for the bubble nest. Force the fish to focus on each other and the task at hand.

How do you know if a fighting fish is hungry?

Simple observation. You will either see them fighting or see the damage on the fish that indicates they have been fighting.

Does holding a fish upside down affect the fish?

yes it can affect the fish because if you holed the fish upside down you can cause it not to breathe because all of the water is out of its system

Why is my tropical cave fish moving upside down?

there is no particular reason that your cat fish swims upside down but it could just be the kind of cat fish you have. it isn't abnormal for a cat fish to swim upside down because some can only swim that way.