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it would be considered biotic because it was once living

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Cole Stoner

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Q: Would dead fish be biotic or abiotic?
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Is a fish a abiotic or biotic?


What are biotic and abiotic in freshwater?

abiotic: nonliving............... rocks water sand biotic: living............ plants fish

What are some biotic and abiotic factors in the paciffic ocean?

Abiotic is everything that isn't alive, so the sun, the water and the rocks on the sea bed. Biotic is everything alive, the fish, their faeces and dead bodies, algae... and so on. The human element is interesting, I suppose it's biotic, but the noise pollution by boats which are obviously not living ... I don't know, biotic or abiotic?

Are fish abiotic or biotic?

Water lilies are usually biotic, some are abiotic, but most are biotic

Is barnacles biotic or abiotic?

The answer is Benthos, Nekton would mean it's free swimming like a fish.

Is a river biotic or abiotic?

A river is abiotic because it isn't a living thing

What is abiotic things and biotic things?

Abiotic things are non-living components of an ecosystem, such as sunlight, water, and soil. Biotic things are living components, including plants, animals, and microorganisms that interact with each other and the abiotic environment. Together, abiotic and biotic factors determine the health and functioning of ecosystems.

Name the biotic and abiotic factors of a salt water ecosystem?

Abiotic factors scientifically are the nonliving things in, and that effect an ecosystem. With that definition, the abiotic factors of every ecosystem are: sunlight, water, soil, temperature and oxygen Biotic factors are anything that is living in an ecosystem. plants, animals and humans make up most biotic factors. there must be thousands of different biotic and abiotic factors in just the salt water biome, but some examples would be: Biotic: algae, fungi, seaweed (etc) aquatic mammals, fish and other Abiotic: all of the above. in turn it would take days to name all of the biotic and abiotic factors of the sea, but here's a brief summary.

What are the biotic and abiotic components of the lake?

Biotic components of a lake include fish, plants, algae, and bacteria. Abiotic components include water, sunlight, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients.

What are the biotic and abiotic for oceans?

Biotic - living Abiotic - non-living (in short) Biotic - all marine animals and plants- dolphins, fish, stingrays, starfish, shellfish, shrimps, seaweed, seagrasses, phytoplankton, zooplankton, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, nudibranchs, cunjevoi, coral, sea sponges etc. (the list is endless) Abiotic - all minerals, chemicals and substances - water, rocks, gases (i can't specify) I think that just about sums it up. Hope its helpful!

What is a abiotic factor that affects a freshwater ecosystem?

water, sunlight, and also the temperature

What are some biotic and abiotic in a swamp?

Abiotic factors - water temperature, dissolved oxygen content, water pH, soil type Biotic factors - crabs, fish, algae, seaweed