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Most fish both freshwater and salt water can live for a few days without the filter on. But you need to do at least a half tank change of water every day otherwise the fish will soon die from the ammonia and other things in the water if its not kept clean until a new filter is put in the tank.

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Q: Will the fish die if the filter has gone off soon?
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absoulutley not the fish would die soon after you put it in and it might die that day.

How fish die?

fish die of oldnesss or not well tanked care before you get a fish make sure you know fats about it and mostly get a tank with a filter. i had with that died now that i have a tank with a filternothing happens

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Should you always keep a filter on in a fish tank?

Yes you do need a filter in your fish tank ifyou don't the tank will build up dirt and the fish will die. Also when you get a fish tank you need to clean it out then fill it with water then put the filter in and wait 24 hours. This helps to ensure that the tank is somewhat stable before adding fish.

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Do you have to use a filter in an aquarium?

yes beacuse the fish will die if u dont common sence buddy

You clean the fish aquarium filter but it still making that lound noise?

Check that the filter is properly assembled and installed, as any loose components can cause noise. Ensure that the impeller is clean and free of obstruction, as this can also lead to noise. If the issue persists, consider replacing the filter or contacting the manufacturer for further troubleshooting.

What to put fish in if don't have an aquarium?

A fish bowl. Or even a bathtub... any thing that holds water. But it's est to have a aquarium with a filter and one of those heaters. Otherwise, your fish might die pretty quickly.

Why you need to conserve plant and animal?

Without plants, herbivores would die out. Herbivores being cattle, sheep, horses ect. Vegetables, gone. meat, gone. the world would soon die of hunger. Hope that helped the human race! ^-^

Do coldwater fish need a pump in a small tank?

Yes it is inhumane to keep any fish in a tank without a filter if you do not want to put the effort into changing the water frequently. Fish can be kept without if the water is changed regularly, but maintaining the correct water parpmeters is hard. As they will die if the water is not changed regularly a filter must be used if you don't want to put as much time and effort in. IT IS EASIER TO KEEP FISH IN A TANK WITH A FILTER THAN ONE WITHOUT

How can you prevent scombroid?

Clean fish promptly after they die to prevent scombroid poisoning. If a fish dies on the stringer, you should clean it on the spot and pack it in ice instead of waiting until you get home. Histamine will begin accumulating as soon as the fish dies.