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Mollies would not make a bubble nest they do not have the necessary physical attributes to do so.

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Q: Why would mollies make a bubble nest?
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I would say a bubble nest yet mollies are live berriers are they real mollies then?

Your betta doesnt make bubble nest?

Your betta will only make a bubble nest if there is a female present in the tank typically by placing her in a breeder tank available at most local fish stores. Also I would suggest to have some floating plants, and some sort of plants so that the bubble nest can be anchored.

Do female bettas make bubble nests?

Yes and No. The betta will make a bubble nest, but it is helpful to the betta to have the bottom half a styrofoam cup in the tank for the betta to build it on, it would most likely build one anyway if there was a place to build one though. Good luck!

Can betta fish breed without a nest?

they can. but it is VERY rare. usually you would see a bubble nest.

At what age does a beta make a bubble nest?

Bettas are mature enough to breed at 6mths. They normally only make a nest when there is a female present.

What is a bubble nest?

a bubble nest is a clump of bubbles put together that a male beta makes. when a male beta makes a big bubble nest that is at least 5 to 6 cm. long it means that he is ready to mate.sometimes a bubble nest can be as big as the top of the bowl. a bubble nest is what a male beta puts the females eggs in.

How do you make a male betta fish make a bubble nest?

Place a female in close proximity where he can see her.

When does the male betta fish make a bubblenest?

The male will make a bubble nest when the female is about to lay her eggs.

How do you build a bubble nest?

You don't. Your fish should naturally make it when it feels it is ready to breed.

Will betta be upset when tank is cleaned and bubble nest is gone?

He'll get over it and make another eventually.

What does the first bubble in a bubble nest look like?

It can not be mistaken for anything else. It is a tiny bubble at the surface of the water but it will not be a single bubble for more than a minute or two. The male Betta builds his nest quite rapidly.

Where is the last sws bubble in binweevils?

the last sws bubble is at gongs pipe nest!!!