Flies have good eyes, as they are compound. When they see the bags, their internal predator alerts go off: the water bags look like pond water. Generally when frogs want to catch a fly they hide under pond water.....
yes a bag of water does keep files away as along as it is a clear bag.
There has been no scientific study to prove if zip lock bags filled with water and penny's will keep flies away. There are some people who swear it works and others who swear it doesn't work.
the beastie
No shadow the hedgeog is not afraid of water he can swim, But sonic is afraid of water because unlike shadow he cannot swim.
He is afraid of water because when he was younger, he almost drowned. Wouldn't you be afraid of something too if it almsot killed you?
Another incomplete question. It depends entirely on the density of either the contents of the bags, or of the bags the bags themselves if the bags are empty. If the bags contain water, then as there are 1000kg of water in 1 cubic metre there would be 20 X 50kg bags.
They are not afraid of water, it makes them look silly,and it wastes energy. (there)
wolves can't really be afraid of water considering they drink it
Yellow labs are not afraid of water they love water!!!
Yes it does work, had a three day garage sale, put two bags either side of the doors, which were open of course, no flies in the garage...Amazing!!
He is scared of large bodies of water and heights.Zayn Malik is afraid of large bodies of water and heights.