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Because of greed.

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Q: Why do loan sharks exist?
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Related questions

What type of sharks are mammals?

Loan sharks.

Where are loan sharks in toontown?

Loan Sharks are ONLY in buildings and ONLY are around on the streets if there is a invasion.

Are there sharks in west London?

Only loan sharks.

Who deals with goldfish loans?

Loan Sharks

Do extinct sharks still exist?


Do whale sharks exist?


How much interest can be put on a 1400 loan?

In many countries there are no limits on what loan sharks can charge.

Do fresh water sharks exist?


Are cash advance loan companies loan sharks?

Almost all cash advance companines are loan sharks. I have never heard of someone who has dealt with a cash advance store who has felt like they haven't been taken advantage of.

Do sandbar sharks still exist today?

Yes, they do. They are in fact the biggest coastal sharks in the world.

Do shark exist?

Yes, sharks still do exist. They live In The Oceans.

What is a provident loan used for?

A Provident Loan is a loan that will loan you money for jewellery and gold. The Provident Loan Society offers loans for a lower rate than a lot of other companies, for example, loan sharks.