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Q: Why do epidemiologists study health concerns as diverse as salmonella and aids?
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What education is needed to be a Epidemiologists?

You need a master's degree in Public Health, but most epidemiologists also have their medical degree.

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Scientists who study patterns of health are often called epidemiologists. They investigate the distribution and determinants of health and disease in populations to understand how to prevent and control health issues.

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Social epidemiologists study how social factors, such as income, education, and living conditions, influence the distribution of health outcomes in populations. They examine how these social determinants impact health disparities and work to identify strategies to improve the health of communities through policy and intervention.

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There are no major health concerns with coffee at all.

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If these additives pose no health concerns, then no. If health concerns arise then yes.

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Do epidemiologists use math?

A very large part of epidemiology consists of statistical analyses of ill-health. Try doing that without math.

What does an edidemiologist study?

Epidemiologists study the distribution and determinants of health and disease in populations. They investigate patterns and causes of diseases to prevent and control outbreaks, improve public health policies, and promote health and well-being in communities.