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because they live in cold water

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Q: Why are sharks cold blooded?
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Are blue sharks cold blooded are warm blooded?

All sharks are cold-blooded.

Are whale shark warm blooded or cold blooded?

Whale sharks are not whales thay are sharks and they are cold blooded.

Are all sharks cold or warmblooded?

Sharks are cold blooded.

Are most sharks warm blooded or are the cold blooded?

Most sharks are cold blooded because they don't adapt to their surrondings easily

Is tiger sharks warm blooded or cold blooded?

A Tiger Shark is cold blooded

Are sharks could blooded or worm blooded?

cold blooded

Are sharks cold or warm blooded?

it is cooled blooded

Is a great white shark cold blooded or warm blooded?

Whale sharks are not whales thay are sharks and they are cold blooded.

Are snakes and sharks cold blooded animals?

yes snakes are cold blooded reptiles.i.e why they hide under gruond during winter.

How do you know your cold blooded?

Mammals are usually warm blooded. Sharks and reptiles are usually cold blooded.

Are sharks cold blooded animals?

Yes. All fish are cold blooded animals.

Is sharks cold blooded animals?
