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to eat it. the reason? I do no know


Possibly in order to defend themselves. Normally it's the other way around. If the fry are small enough, goldfish will eat them. Either that, or the babies are naturally aggressive towards the bigger goldfish.

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13y ago
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15y ago

At a rough guess it is probably hungry. Those people who advise feeing Goldfish once a day do not know what they are talking about and are mis-informed. Young, growing Goldfish should be fed small amounts of food several times daily. When feeding fish add a small amount at a time and watch that the fish eats all the food. Each time all the food is eaten, add a little bit more. Do this for about 15 mins and no longer. Any left over food must be syphoned out of the tank to prevent it going bad and poisoning the water.

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14y ago

It doesn't want to eat your other goldfish. It may well want to kill the other fish though if your tank is overstocked. Under those (overstocked) conditions the fish is simply practicing what every other creature practices and that is 'survival of the fittest'. To avoid this problem happening, there are some basic rules for keeping fish successfully. Those rules are. ":- 1 inch of fish must have at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week." A single Goldfish grows to around 10 inches and so it needs at least 10 gallons of water and for the long term should be kept below 70F.

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13y ago

If the goldfish are suitable to live with each other, then theyre just being aggressive because the tanks over crowded or too small, and theyre fighting for the most space basically.

Check there ok together online and if they are, get a bigger tank asap

You need at least 10 gallons for just one goldfish >_<

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15y ago

hungry or the other fishes are smaller than your goldfish

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14y ago

If its bigger, they will usually eat whatever fits in its mouth

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12y ago

it means it whats to mate with another fish

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Q: Why are goldfish eating other goldfish tails?
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My friend had the same problem. Her dad thinks (and we think) that the tails on the fantail are small and colorful, and so they look like goldfish food. Hope this helps!

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They were probably fighting with each other.

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Why do goldfish eat tails?

cause they want to

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There is really no commensalism that takes place between goldfish and other creatures. Occasionally, goldfish will clean their homes by eating leftover food and waste products.

Can fantail goldfish regrow there tails?

Yes, but slowly.

How do you know when goldfish are in love?

They will chase eachother's tails.

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How do you stop goldfish from eating other fish tail?

Goldfish are naturally attracted to rotting fins, so if your goldfish has rotting fins get a cure for it or change your water. Or, in the other case, if that goldfish is bullying its tankmate, move the bully or victim to another tank or return the bully to the pet store.

Goldfish is getting eaten by other goldfish?

The only time a goldfish is eaten by another goldfish is when the parents breed and they have eggs.The eggs hatch then the parents eat them because they mistake them for lava or something.if ur fully grown gold fish is eating another fully grown golfish then its not a goldfish at all!!!!!!!!CHECK FOR THE BREED in other cases.

Do comet goldfish eat freshwater sharks?

i am not sure about eating sharks but i have had a few eat each other.

Do goldfish eat any other animals?

Goldfish may only appear to eat fish food but technically they are eating other animals because inside fish food is a rare animal named the bbanornet which gives protein to small fish such as the goldfish.